What Are Blessings From God? [With Bible Verses]

We commonly use the word “blessings” as something we are grateful for.  I even named my blog with the word “blessed” in it!  But are we using this word correctly?  What comes to mind when you hear the word blessing? A favor granted by God?  Your family or friends?  Some material objects? All the above?  What are blessings from God?

What are blessings from God?- rainbow over water/beach and clouds

My first thought was the concept of the Old Testament “blessings”.  Jacob and Esau tussled over receiving their father Isaac’s blessing. The family blessing was an “oral will” that gives unchangeable birthright status and guaranteed a double portion of their inheritance.

What are Blessings from God?

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 1:3. NASB

The “heavenly places” means these blessings are for eternity, not earthly or temporary.

The apostle Paul describes blessings in the New Testament:

God gives us EVERY spiritual blessing that He has and does not hold back or leave out any blessings to us!  What are these spiritual blessings?  God pours out the following spiritual blessings when we follow Jesus:



•The indwelling of the Holy Spirit which gives us insight and power to do God’s will.

•Our eternal life with Jesus

•God’s grace

•These blessings last forever, and they begin immediately with our faith in Jesus.

•His blessings are anything that brings us closer to Jesus.

God’s blessings are more God!

 Different Types of Blessings from God

The presence and power of the Holy Spirit blesses us in countless ways. He convicts, guides, leads, empowers, and brings spiritual understanding to us.

He bears witness that we are children of God. (Romans 8:16)

He produces in us the fruit of the Spirit, distributes spiritual gifts, and transforms us into the image of Christ!

The Holy Spirit is also “God’s guarantee that he will give us the inheritance he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people.”  Ephesians 1:14 NLT (Paul was speaking to the Gentiles here)

God blesses us with an inheritance.  Not a material inheritance as in the Old Testament story we talked about earlier, but a spiritual inheritance of salvation and eternal life.

Material Blessings

So, what about material prosperity, a good life, successes, loving families, great friends, and good health?  Are those wonderful gifts blessings from God?

God blesses us with gifts here on earth that we can be thankful for but following Jesus does not guarantee us earthly blessings.  He doesn’t bless us because we have a close relationship with him. 

We can’t buy God’s blessings or earn them through good works, our own determination or obeying His commandments.  Do we even deserve blessings??

God blesses us because he is God, we are not, and He chooses blessings. 

I know the attributes of God, and He does not give, take away, allow or withhold his blessings with wrong motives.  He is the perfecter and creator of all things. 

I know for certain that I can trust His sovereign judgment.  It makes me even more grateful for the blessings he does bestow on my life.

Jesus never said that material wealth or earthly blessings were bad. (The love of these things which then interfere with our faith is, however…)

Instead, he wants us to think about how we use the material blessings he gives.

Bible Verses about Sharing Your Blessings

He clarifies that if we give our material possessions a higher priority in our lives over Him, then we need to check our hearts.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth… But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” Matthew 6:19a, 20a.

“If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?” 1John 3:17

We can’t take our material things into heaven with us, so we can and should use our blessings of God to benefit and bless others in a way that honors Him.

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than receive.'” Acts 20:35.

He wants us to always be generous and compassionate.

“Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:38.

Don’t you love how he encourages us here? ♥  He gives us this beautiful visual and a specific approach to take when we receive His blessings.  He blesses us again when we pass our blessings on to others!

How does this change your thinking on the blessings you receive?

What Does Blessed Mean in the Beatitudes?

Jesus speaks of blessings in trials in the Beatitudes. (Matthew 5: 3-11 NLT)  God blesses “those who mourn…who are persecuted for doing right… when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you…”

“Blessed” in these situations doesn’t mean “happy” but knowing the ultimate joy we can have in our daily life (no matter what is happening in our lives) by trusting in God’s promises.

Our sufferings and trials are not blessings, but because we can walk with Jesus through those things, He can and will pour out His blessings on us there.  He blesses us with his wisdom, his presence, his grace and strength, and compassion.

Sometimes (and probably more often than we would like), we draw closer to Jesus and rest in Him alone when we go through struggles and trials.  They can push our limits and can leave us with no other option than to pick up our struggle and lay it at His feet in total submission.

Our greatest blessings can be to rest in Him and depend on His strength.

What are Blessings from God?- woman hiker wearing ball cap with backpack facing waterfall streaming down rockwall

Pin me for later!

Every Good and Perfect Gift

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James:1:17.

Just prior to this verse, James was teaching about temptation and how it would never come from God. Instead, it is exactly the opposite. His goodness, kindness, helpfulness, and love would only choose the best for us- good and perfect gifts.

In other words, if it’s truly good and perfect, it came from God.

God’s Ultimate Blessing

God’s original plan was to bless us with a life of peace and fulfillment with Him.  Sin ruined that plan in the beginning, but he gives us the ultimate blessing of restoration, forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus.

Jesus pours out all his attributes onto us: his love and joy, peace and patience, kindness and goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness.  What blessings!

In the meantime, through the Holy Spirit, we try to live as ambassadors for Christ.  We may experience trials along the way. But God’s blessings, His divine favor, are always there to bring abundance to our lives.

When I wrote my very first blog post, I asked, “Wouldn’t it be great if we could integrate God’s character into our own lives a bit better, and then pass that on (bless others) in our everyday interactions?”

I pray that we all have a new understanding of God’s blessings, and we use them to bless others in our everyday lives!

Did you discover anything new about God’s blessings today?

What do you consider God’s greatest blessing to you?

In what way can you bless others this week?

Blessings! (This statement is taking on a whole new meaning to me!)


All Scripture is taken from the New International Version unless specified otherwise.

12 thoughts on “What Are Blessings From God? [With Bible Verses]”

  1. Thank you for this insightful post! I really appreciated the way you connected the concept of blessings with specific Bible verses. It’s a great reminder of how God’s grace manifests in our lives. I particularly loved the verse you included about being blessed to be a blessing to others. It’s such a beautiful perspective!

  2. Thank you for this insightful post! I especially loved the Bible verses you included; they really highlight the depth of God’s blessings in our lives. It’s a great reminder to appreciate the small and big blessings every day!

  3. This post really opened my eyes to the many blessings in our lives! I especially loved the verses you included; they really emphasize the importance of gratitude. It’s a great reminder to recognize and appreciate the little things that God provides us every day. Thank you for this inspiring read!

  4. Sharon Roberts

    Thank you Ann Marie for this timely blog on some of the blessings that we take for granted. We have a loving Heavenly Father who knows that we are just dust, can’t live without Him, and also we can be very forgetful so he gives us gentle reminders ever so often. Continue to take baby steps with Jesus. He will restore your health. He promised 🙏🏽. Stay blessed.


    1. Baby steps it is, and I need the reminder now and then that He did promise and I believe Him. The enemy would love for me to get discouraged! I drove today for the first time in 3 months and it went perfectly. God is Good! He is surely blessing me each and every day. I too can take them for granted and needed this reminder just as much as anyone!

  5. Janie Holsteen

    Hi, AnnMarie! Thank you for these words of truth and encouragement on the blessings of God and how they are expressions of God’s goodness and kindness to us his children, as well as his means of helping us become more like Christ. Just want to let you know how thankful I am for your blog. I’m sorry you’re having a slow recovery from surgery. I’m praying for your healing. May you rest in Him and feel stronger each day. God’s grace, Janie

    1. Thank you so much Janie, for your kind words of encouragement! They are just what I needed today 🙂 Thanks too, for the prayers for my healing. I need the reminder to rest in Him and let Him do His healing work in His time. God bless you!!

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