Free Printable Monthly Plans
Welcome to my monthly Bible Reading/Study Plans page! Each year I produce a 12-month Bible Reading Plan/Study for those who subscribe to my weekly newsletters.
☆ Scroll down to the end of this page to subscribe to this year’s current plan! Look for the box that says “Blessings Start Here!” You will also have access to all previous year’s plans. ☆
It is so important to be in God’s Word daily. It is how we grow our relationship with Him. I love this verse from Isaiah 55:11-
“So is my word that goes out from my mouth, It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11.
Isn’t that amazing? His Words are never empty of purpose. When they go out and you receive them, He plans to bless you and bring fruit into your life.
Not one word is wasted or powerless! What a powerful truth to claim as you begin reading His Word.
2025 Bible Reading Plan/Study
This year’s plan has some important timely topics to study, learn, and reflect upon. January kicks off with Bible Verses about Spiritual Discernment, and we move through Walking in Obedience, Building Godly Relationships, Understanding Grace, and more.
This year’s plan includes the monthly verses, corresponding journal/note pages, large print Word Search puzzles, and coloring pages for adults as well as easy (children or disabled) pages.
I congratulate you for taking Timothy’s words to heart and studying the Scriptures with us:
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NLT.
2024 Bible Reading Plan- “You Can!”
This year’s theme is “You Can!”
Each month we will work through a topic and discover the promises, comfort, help, and encouragement His Word bring into each one.
For example, we start January with “You Can Be Transformed.” We follow that up with “You Can Overcome Obstacles“, etc..
This bundle also includes extra journal pages for your personal thoughts, questions, prayers, etc., and a companion reflection worksheet. I suggest printing off the worksheet to have it available all month long to utilize the questions and respond as you work through the verses.
I also made Word Search puzzles for each month, as well as adult and “easy” coloring pages!
God will bless you richly as you take the time to look to His Word to conquer the difficulties and questions we face in life.
Bible Reading Plan- “Seeing Jesus”
How incredible is it that we are given an insider’s look at the very life and thoughts of Jesus through His Word?
He humbled Himself and left the glory of heaven to live as fully human among us. He showed us His character traits in His actions, words, and teachings. Everything He did was motivated by a love we cannot fathom.
We will spend this year learning from Him, understanding Him better, and seek to live and love as He did. When we apply His characteristics to our lives and those around us, we can be a blessing and an ambassador for Him.
“Building Our Faith” Bible Reading Plan
Did you know that the word “faith” is only found two times in the Old Testament (KJV)? Compare that with the over 500 usages in the New Testament! While the Old Testament gives many examples of faithful people, the New Testament makes the claim that the long-awaited Messiah had come, and this left many confused and unsure of this claim. It required a real act of faith to believe Jesus was the Messiah.
Faith is trust in the person of Jesus, the truths of His teachings, and His redeeming sacrifice on the cross. It is not an intellectual exercise, but an individual choice to believe that Jesus died for our sin. Accepting His gift of redemption changes our daily lives; we become totally committed to Him.
But doubt can sneak into our lives from other voices- the enemy, our feelings, and circumstances. Building up our faith is an important weapon in this fight. This Bible Reading Plan dives into different aspects of our faith that need shoring up with Scripture and comes with companion journaling pages to write out your thoughts, things to remember, prayers, etc.
“Gifts from God” Bible Reading Plan
This plan focuses on a specific gift from God each month with a verse for each day. Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you meditate, reflect, and pray over each verse. There is a companion Journal/Notes page to correspond to each month of Bible verses. I encourage you to write out how the verse inspired or encouraged you, what you learned, how you want to implement it into your life, etc. Each month also has a Coloring Page with the verse for the month.
Be sure to also check out these additional Bible Study Resources:
Related Blog Post: Resources for Studying the Bible
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Before you go, be sure to check out my free Resource Page with a prayer calendar, printable worksheets, graphics, cell phone wallpaper, Bible Study, and more!