Welcome to Busy Blessed Women!

I’m glad you’re here!
My God-given purpose is to bring the hope and encouragement of God’s Word into your everyday busy life.
I’ve been in that busy place. Job, family, home, and commitments filled my days and left little (or zero) time or energy to dig into the Bible.
Let me bless you with the hope, encouragement and peace from God’s Word that will be personally relevant to YOUR life.
I publish a blog post every Monday that will take you 4-5” to read and give you extra resources to put them into practice for the rest of the week if you choose.
Do you need:
Encouragement to find time for God in your busy schedule?
Resources for studying the Bible?
To build up your spiritual strength?
Ideas and resources to grow your prayer life?
You will find these and a combination of posts on Christian encouragement, spiritual growth, and general Bible study topics to help you integrate God’s character into your own busy life.
I also offer an extensive library of free items in my Resource Library:
You’ll find printable Graphics, Bible Verses, Scripture Cards, Coloring Pages for adults and children, Cell Phone wallpaper and more.
I’d also love to connect with you through my weekly newsletter. It’s a way to let you know what’s new on the blog and what’s coming up. You can give me feedback, tell me what you’re interested in learning about or struggling with. I love to hear your thoughts, questions, doubts, fears, and ideas.
As a thank you gift for allowing me into your inbox, I’ll send you a 12 Month Bible Reading Plan that comes with journaling pages and other resources for each month.
I’ll be reading right along with you because I’m still busy and in need of God’s encouragement and love, too. SUBSCRIBE BELOW!
All Scripture used is from the NIV translation, unless otherwise noted.
THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
A Little Bit about Me
My whole working career has been as a Registered Nurse, but writing children’s books was always a dream. Unfortunately, a career and family came first. (God had bigger plans!)
I grew up in the church and desired to learn about Him from an early age. I remember being so excited as a 4th or 5th grader to finally understand about the Holy Spirit!
As a young adult, I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior. Studying the Bible through Bible Study Fellowship opened my eyes and heart in ever-expanding ways. I stayed in their program for 12 years total, as a student and a Children’s Leader.
I loved the in depth study they offered. It was truly my “happy place.”
In what would be my final year of BSF (a few years ago), I learned that the fastest growing age group in our study were women age 70+. Where were all the younger women?
Busy doing life.
God immediately put it on my heart and in my mind to start a blog to share His love and encouragement. I had sat in the pew taking in all this knowledge for years. It was time to go out and share what was in my head and heart.
God knew I had zero knowledge on how to do this, but He has led me every step of the way. This blog is HIS, not mine. I’m just the vessel to share what He has already written. It is truly amazing to watch Him work!
I love to do anything outside as long as it is warm. I’m definitely a summer girl (living in the cold!) who loves gardening, hiking, swimming, baking, reading, sewing, and knitting.
My husband and I are now empty nesters after raising 4 children. We are blessed with 3 adorable (of course!) granddaughters.
Please feel free to email me anytime with questions, suggestions or just to say hi!
My address is: annmarie@busyblessedwomen dot com
You can also connect with me on Facebook and Pinterest.
Thanks for stopping by!