Fall is slowly slipping away to winter, and I’m not a happy camper. All things considered, we’ve had a great fall. Nice and warm, just how I like it. It’s hard for me to let go of summer. Geese start honking overhead, and it sounds like they are warning me- winter is coming! Letting go of summer and trusting God with the season change is hard for me. But I know I need to give it to God.
The fall colors are beautiful, but to me, it just means that soon our trees will be “ugly”- the description our youngest daughter made upon her arrival home from our first spring break trip to Florida. I have to agree. The total gray and brown color palette in winter gets a bit depressing to me.
I’m not the only one whining. Even my house complains. When it’s really cold, I hear all kinds of creaks and groans coming from the walls.
I know- I need an attitude adjustment.
Season of Letting Go
Last week I heard someone describe fall as “the season of letting go.” This really hit home for me.
I know that my plants can’t last through the winter. They need to go dormant- take a rest, if you will, to survive and regrow each year. They need to go through this period of storing up energy in their roots, or bulbs, to survive the winter. It’s vital to their survival. If they didn’t “let go” of their leaves and flowers, I wouldn’t have any plants coming back to life in the spring. So I have to “let go” and let them hibernate.
I started to think of other things I need to let go of as well.
Sadness for my friends and family who haven’t seen the desires of their hearts become a realization.
Hurts from the past.
I need to let go of worry.
Letting God Take Control
Letting go is certainly easier said than done. It helps me to think of “letting go” not as tossing those things away but instead putting them in God’s outstretched hands. Who better to entrust with the things that bother us?
How to Surrender to God and Let Go
For a few years, I led a Bible Club in our church. It was for a group of elementary-age children. My illustration to them in trusting God came from the movie “Aladdin”. There is a scene where Aladdin is trying to entice the princess to jump onto his magic carpet. He’s hovering in the air with his hand outstretched and says “Do you trust me?” I sometimes think of that scene when I’m entrusting something to God. He’s smiling, holding out His hand and inviting me to just trust.
God tells us “my thoughts and my ways are not like yours.” (Is 55:8) We can trust in His supreme knowledge and plans for us.
We can be strengthened knowing that “God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) He never leaves us alone. When we need to let go of something, we don’t have to wait. He’s always with us and ready 24/7.
Power of Letting Go
Are you too afraid or feel too weak to give it to God? Hang on to the promise in Isaiah 41:10- “Don’t be afraid. I am with you….I am your God. I will make you strong…”
And here’s a personal favorite of mine- “God is the strength of my heart” Psalm 73:26. I can trust in God’s timing, even if I don’t like it! He will give me the strength to get through anything.
So for my depressive fall mindset, I can ask God to help me in the waiting for spring.
I can pray to see the beauty in waiting for His renewal of His earth.
I can pray for what He would like me to accomplish while I wait. For the times when I’m anxious or sad or worrying- I can envision His outstretched hand and see His smiling face as He asks me, “Do you trust me?”
Letting Go and Letting God Take Control
Sometimes the choice to “give it to God” can be a daily struggle.
What are you struggling with now that you need to surrender to God?
Do you have plans that just aren’t working out? Give it to God and ask him to show you what He wants.
If the letting go is painful, pray. You can explain everything to Him. He wants to comfort you. Picture Him with His outstretched hand, and reach for Him.
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1
Loved this post….I too get depressed when I see winter around the corner. The “season of letting go” is something I will keep in mind and work to play out in my life. Thanks, Ann!