How Does God Speak to Us?

During a recent sermon, our pastor began whispering.  He stopped.  Whispered again. Stopped. Whispered again.  He certainly had everyone’s attention!  While his sermon topic was not about hearing the voice of God, his point was that sometimes God speaks to us in a whisper.  We miss His voice because we are too busy to slow down and listen.  Bible verses started swirling in my head: “the still small voice of God, “If anyone hears my voice and opens the door”, and “My sheep hear my voice.” Scripture tells us God has a voice. How does God speak to us today? How can we hear the voice of God in our own lives?

how does God speak to us

God Speaks Through His Word

Jesus tells us that “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” Jesus has a personal, one-on-one relationship with every single person who belongs to him.  He is our shepherd, our caretaker, our leader.  

The sheep heard the voice of their shepherd and followed (he did not go behind them; driving them forward.  He led them!) We too, follow his voice and directions.  It’s how we gain the much-needed discernment for our lives.

Scripture is God’s inaudible voice.  It gives us insights into his truths and his nature.  God’s voice would never lead us into fear, worry, or discouragement.  If you want to know God’s voice- begin with his Word.

God Speaks Through Prayer

Have you ever felt God tugging on your heart to do something, call someone, or take an unknown path?  Has someone ever come to mind, and you’ve felt led to pray for them? Maybe you’ve wondered if it’s God trying to tell you something?  Lead you somewhere?

Prayer is an important part of hearing the voice of God.  When we are facing decisions, we need to trust in God’s direction, not our fickle emotions and reasoning.

Ask Him to reveal His will to you.  He doesn’t want to keep it a secret from you! 

While it would be awesome to have God’s audible voice whispering in our ears each day, Paul reminds us “not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Phil 4:6) Have confidence that he is listening to us when we pray.

Prayer is a Two Way Communication

But prayer shouldn’t be a one-sided conversation.  Do you also listen to His voice?  He may answer yes, no, or not yet.  Sometimes He whispers.  We won’t hear Him if we’re constantly talking.

Meet with him like King David did: ”Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you.  Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.” (Psalm 143:8)

It’s hard to find quiet in our world today!! There is so much noise around us and so many distractions.  It takes intention, but with practice, it can be done.

How Does the Holy Spirit Speak to Us?

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I forget about how amazing the Holy Spirit really is. He lives in us.  Take that in for just a moment…

And Jesus promised us that “When He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13)

How Does God Speak to Us

He uniquely leads us and teaches us. To accomplish that, he must communicate with us.  Our Counselor reminds us of spiritual truths and convictions of right and wrong.  Listen for his promptings and his convictions.  Ask Him to give you His knowledge when you are struggling with a question or a difficult Bible passage.  I learned this in a Bible class I was taking.  I tried it and was kind of astonished that it really worked.  (Yes, I know… “Oh ye of little faith”..)

Developing a Deeper Relationship with God

Just as in any other relationship, there are ways to keep your relationship with God strong. If you spent very little time speaking and listening to your spouse, best friend, etc., how strong would your connection be? How would you know their struggles or joys? Developing a close relationship with God means listening to him and speaking to him.  The closer you are, the easier it will be to hear his voice.

“Fix your eyes on Jesus.” (Hebrews 12:2)  Fix your eyes, hearts, and minds on the One who loves you unconditionally, saved you and heals you.  Talk to him and listen for his response.

Be honest with God.  Your insecurities, failures, and doubts don’t faze him. They don’t diminish his love for you. Speak to Him about these things! He wants you to know and feel the faithful love, care, attention, devotion, and joy he lavishes on you.

Pin me for later!

Listening to God’s Voice

I know that I have heard God’s voice many times in the ways he has placed Bible verses, song lyrics, posts, articles all on the same topic right into my lap.  It’s as if he’s saying, “I want you to look into this” or “I’m trying to tell you something!”  God has been persistent with me many times in this way.

An Illustration of Hearing God’s Voice

 As I was writing this post, I came across an Instagram post about hearing God’s voice.

This was not a coincidence- as I’m writing a post about hearing God’s voice, I read an Instagram post on the same topic.

Have you ever opened your daily Bible verse, and it was exactly what you needed?

Hear a song on the radio that comforts you, inspires you, or challenges you?  I believe those things are another way we hear the voice of God speaking to us.

How does God speak to us

Do you Want to Hear God’s Voice?

We have Scripture, prayer, our personal relationship, and the Holy Spirit to help us hear God’s voice.  Underneath it all is a willing heart.  One that seeks Him sincerely and listens for His voice.

He is ready to speak to you.  Are you listening?



Photo Credit: Pixabay

4 thoughts on “How Does God Speak to Us?”

  1. I have been working on building that deeper relationship with God for a little over a year . I was raised with trusting God and feeling his love . I feel lucky that I have have such a deep love for God and I never wavered on trusting him and sharing my love for him with others . But I have to admit that even though I carried my faith in me daily I didn’t really work on nurturing my faith . I need to but more important I want to develop a better relationship with God . One step for sure is reading your blog . I believe it’s the Holy Spirt giving me a nudge !

    1. We were so lucky to have been given such a strong foundation of faith! We all have times where it is stronger and weaker- we’re human! You are so right- it needs to be nurtured! Thanks for being such a faithful reader 🙂

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