Bible Verses for Stressful Times

We are living in strange times right now.  There is nothing normal about our lives.  Things are changing so quickly, sometimes by the hour! The headlines are confusing and scary, which makes our personal lives feel the same.  But in the center of all this uncertainty and trouble, we can cling to one certainty- our never-changing Heavenly Father.  These stressful times are not news to Him.  And He has given us Bible verses for stressful times to strengthen, help us stay calm and feel his peace.

Bible Verses for stressful times- man with outstretched arms looking at waterfall and rainbow

I’ve been going through stages of stress. I tend to use denial as my first stage.  Next came the “fire alarm” stage- worry, anxiety, dread, and the “what-if’s.”  I knew those responses came from fear and uncertainty. It was hard to move out of them.

God is in Control

My “fear factor” was rising, not falling.  Not just for myself, but for my friends, family, country, and world. Not knowing the timing or outcome adds to my unease. I was feeling powerless and stuck.

I was so unsettled one morning (anyone else having weird dreams??) and stumbled across “The Serenity Prayer.”

7 empowering bible verses

Within seconds of reading that prayer, my anxiety level dropped.  I realized that it wouldn’t take much to put my thoughts back on track, and I knew where I needed to go.

The world tells me to find my inner strength and to fight back against adversity, but my heart tells me otherwise.  I know where my strength comes from.  I know who will fight for me.  Are you feeling powerless like me?  We need to plug into our “power source”- God.  He has never lost control!

Bible Verses for Strength

Strong in Spirit

•“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” Acts 1:8 NLT.

The very power of God is in us! It’s there to tap into whenever we need it. His Holy Spirit power is strong and mighty.  His power gives us courage, boldness, and confidence.  Jesus knew we would need it to carry out his mission.  He knew there would be times when our world was “rocked” (and not in a pleasant way.)

•“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” Isaiah 40:29.

Even the strongest people in the world can feel weak and powerless, but God’s power is unchanging. He never grows tired or weary. If you are feeling powerless, remind yourself that you are infused with His strength and power.

“Fan the flame” of the Holy Spirit within by feeding it fuel- God’s own Word, meditating on His compassionate love for you, pouring out your thoughts to Him, and reminding yourself of all the ways he has brought you through stressful times in the past.

•“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9

Stressful times give us the opportunity to depend on God in a whole new, revitalized way.  He promises to be by our side.  He is always right there next to you.  Pour out your heart to him, tell him how you are feeling and what you need. Then listen for his answers and peace.

Words of Encouragement for Stress

•“We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 NLT.

The stress we face today is an opportunity for Jesus to show His power through us.  His word gives us encouragement and resources to withstand and rise above the stress.

He has given each of us gifts and talents.  Where and how can you use them? Is there someone you can reach out to and show His love and care?  All the “little things” done in His love are excellent ways to use His power.

God is our Source of Strength

•“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man, this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.’”  Mark 10:27 NIV

There is nothing too hard for God. Our God is bigger than anything we are facing today!

•“I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”  Philippians 4:13 NIV.

What a great companion verse to the one above.  All things are possible with God, and I can do everything that is in His will for me. He will give me the strength I need.

•“… The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”  Romans 8:26 NIV.

There have been a few days I have felt unable to even express myself in prayer.  Emotion and confusion left me feeling drained. I shut my prayer journal one morning and offered up the “Our Father” prayer with an apology for not being able to concentrate further.

This Romans verse came to me later in the day. I was so thankful to be reminded that while I was weak; I had One who picked up my struggle with a groan and prayed for me!  My Helper bore my burden that morning. He expressed my needs to God when I didn’t have the words.

I love what Matthew Henry says about this verse: “Christ intercedes for us in heaven, the Spirit intercedes for us in our hearts.” ♥♥♥

Bible verses for stressful times- man and woman facing valley/mountains

Pin me for later!

Coping with Stress and Anxiety

Strength of the Holy Spirit

God gave us excellent tools to combat stress when he empowered us with his Holy Spirit.  It was his choice to give us this gift when we believed in his Son.  He promises the Spirit will teach us, advocate for us, counsel us and comfort us.

Presence of God

We’ve been through dry desert seasons before.  While it presently feels like the mighty Sahara in terms of depth and scope, it doesn’t change the need to focus on being filled with the presence of God.

God walked every step of the way with the Israelites through their long desert season.  He walks each step with us today.

Related Post∼Finding Our Way Through Life’s Desert Seasons

God’s Hope

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 NIV

Have I saved the best Bible verse for last for you?  Read that verse again, slowly.

God gives us joy as we eagerly wait for what He has in store for us.  He gives us peace as we rest in all his promises.  Then we can have overflowing hope by His power. We are not without hope. We are not powerless.

These are beautiful gifts from God that we can radiate out to others in these stressful times.

God and Stress

The hardest part for me is not knowing the end of this stressful situation.  But thinking about the “what if’s” lead me down the road of worry (not concern- there’s a difference!) 

We’re upset, and rightly so, about all the events we are missing, the hugs we can’t give, the normal connections lost.  But we don’t have to let these emotions leave us powerless.

God will strengthen us to stand firmly on shaky ground. We can reach out in alternative ways and strengthen the connections we have now.

I take comfort knowing that God already knows the end of this story and He hears every one of our concerns.

We don’t have all the answers, but we have a God who is bigger than anything we are facing today! Let these Bible verses help you to stand firm.



Would you like additional Bible Verses about conquering worry, anxiety and fear?  Find them in my free Resource Page under “Christian Mental Health Resources.”

Bible verses for stressful times- 18 bible verses about worry with blue/violet flower border on left side of page
bible verses about worry- Bible verses printed on page to conquer fear and anxiety

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Photo Credit: AnnMarie Anderson, Pixabay

2 thoughts on “Bible Verses for Stressful Times”

  1. That last “Hope” verse from Romans has been my go-to verse for the past month or more.
    I also interestingly found these words of yours very comforting this morning: “God walked every step of the way with the Israelites through their long desert season. He walks each step with us today.”
    Thanks, Ann!

    1. I love that Romans verse too!
      It was comforting for me to know He didn’t leave the Israelites stranded and just walk away. They certainly must have exasperated Him tho, Maybe?? They were such complainers and disobeyed His laws, etc. Oops, wait, that’s me!! 🙂

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