I came across an interesting title in the book of Isaiah while doing some “Biblical wandering” this week. It is Chapter 40 and it reads “Comfort for God’s People.” A whole chapter in the Old Testament on comfort? That’s not what I was expecting when I think of the book of Isaiah. Judgment? Yes. Messianic prophecy? Yes. Comfort? Not really…I wanted to know more about Our Comforter.
Role of the Prophet
Isaiah is considered to be one of the greatest prophets, and his writings are the first of the prophets in the Bible. The nature of the job of a prophet was not necessarily one that one would be keen on taking.
Their role was to speak for God to the people, therefore, it’s probably not a job you can turn down. They were to give voice to God’s commands, remind them of His promises, and confront them with their sin.
Like most prophets, Isaiah wasn’t exactly popular. The people didn’t like hearing his messages of God’s judgments and punishments.
In fact, the first 39 chapters mostly contain messages of judgment for their rebellious nature, denouncement of their idol worship, and condemnation of their sins of pride and unbelief.
Words of Comfort from the Bible
But then along comes Chapter 40, where words of comfort begin. What sweet music that must have been to their ears!
By its definition, comfort means to encourage, help, and strengthen. Don’t we all need comfort at different differing times of our lives? It sounds like a daily dose of comfort might be more helpful than my daily vitamins!
God Holds You
Verse 1 begins with Isaiah relaying God’s command for him to “Comfort, comfort my people” and “Speak tenderly” to them. Isn’t that a beautiful picture of what God wants for us?
Verse 11 continues with the tender words “He will tend his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart.” Can you truly picture this for yourself? God holds you close to his heart!
Our Awesome God
He also reassures us in verse 28 that “He never grows weak or weary” and “there is no limit to his understanding.” Did you catch that? He’s never too tired or too busy to comfort us.
His understanding of our trials, our lives, and our concerns are limitless. What an awesome God!
Need more?
Claiming God’s Promises
Verse 29 continues with the promise that he “gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.”
Have you ever felt that life’s trials and troubles were piling up on you? I have. I distinctly remember telling God more than once, “This is just too much.”
When we are feeling crushed under the weight of our trials, we can call on God to renew our strength. He promises it right there in verse 29. It might be just enough strength to take the next step, but He will provide.
God Gives Strength
The ending of this chapter is probably one that is very familiar: “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” v31
Sometimes I forget these words and images of our Comforting God. These verses make his love, care and comfort come alive for me. I am his child, and as all good parents do, he comforts me when I’m hurting.
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
God’s comfort, like all aspects of himself, goes beyond our understanding. It’s inexhaustible and everlasting. We can tap into it at any time, day or night.
God gave us the ultimate comfort through the sacrifice of Jesus. He offers us the forgiveness that we didn’t earn or deserve.
God gives us comfort in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, one “who will be with you forever” and “I will not leave you comfortless” John 14:16, 18.
Hope in Hard Times
He comforts us further with His Word: “that we, through patience and comfort of the scriptures, might have hope.” Romans 15:4. We can read words of comfort from Genesis to Revelation.
What started as amazement that one whole chapter was dedicated to God’s comfort of his people, turned to awe as I discovered just how all-encompassing his desire is for us to really know and feel his comfort.
We can rise above the challenges life throws at us. He energizes and strengthens us to persevere. At those times when we are feeling weak or tired, ask Him to feel his comfort at that very moment. It is His desire for you!
Dearest God, Our Comforter,
How deeply you love us! Thank you for showing us your desire to comfort us in our trials. Thank you for your precious promises that bring solace and peace. Help us to remember your tender words of care and love. Speak to our hearts when we drift away into our troubles instead of into your arms. We love you, Lord!
Blessings and comfort,
Really good! Thanks, Ann
A new insight for me into God’s character. And who doesn’t need comforting? Especially love the prayer at the end.
Thanks Jude! God is so good!!
Thanks Cindy! See you Saturday!