How peaceful are you feeling in this stage of the Christmas season? I’m writing this in its early stages, so while my “to-do” list is long, I am feeling more excited than stressed. But there have been many years before this that I’ve felt anything but God’s “light and peace” in the season.
I will try hard this year to concentrate on the words the angels spoke to the shepherds, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Luke 2:14
Jesus is Our Peace
The peace that the angels proclaimed is the same peace we read about in Isaiah 9:6. They described the long-awaited Messiah as our “Prince of Peace.” Jesus is our Peace, and the reason is revealed in a Christmas carol we’ve probably sung the lyrics to (a personal favorite!) many times:
Hark the herald angels sing
Glory to the newborn king
Peace on earth and mercy mild
God and sinners reconciled
Peace with God
Jesus came to shine the ultimate light, the light of peace between us and God. Through Jesus, we are reconciled with God. He looks at us and sees us not as we should be seen, but sees Jesus! There is no sin blocking our relationship with him. His birth signaled the beginning of our rescue.
“Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1
Peace is a Gift from God
There is another aspect to the peace of Jesus, though, that I want to explore.
Jesus promised us in John 14:27: “Peace I leave you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
He gives us his peace- it is a gift, not something we earn or have to work for.
Peace at Christmas
Mary and Joseph certainly had a hectic, stressful time surrounding the birth of Jesus. His immaculate conception, the scandal, the visits from angels, a long trip to an overcrowded city- none of that sounds like a peaceful time in their lives. But I’m picturing a quiet, peaceful scene in that stable; just the three of them (possibly some animals) gazing at the miracle of their newborn son. Was Jesus already working in their hearts and minds to give them “the peace that passes all understanding?”
There they were, with their newborn son, just as the angels had foretold. The long-awaited Messiah was lying in the manger. Their son. God’s Son.
Our Prince of Peace
We too might have personal stressful, uncertain times that rob us of our worldly peace. Add in the unrest in the world and distressing headlines and “peace on earth” seems light-years away. But Jesus remains our Prince of Peace and showed us in his own life the perfect example of how to live in peace.
He instructs us to love each other as we love ourselves and to love our enemies. Is that easy? No, but he tells us to show love to those who curse, hate, and persecute us. Imagine for a moment that instead of getting upset or angry with those situations/people, we used prayer instead. Praying for them and ourselves can bring about peace at the moment and in the situation.
Peace of the Holy Spirit
True peace stems from his promise of the Holy Spirit living in us and therefore, even when there are conflicts in our lives, we have the power to accept the gift of peace. In the midst of our God-given emotions- sadness, anxiety, fear, frustration, etc., we can still feel his joy. We may have to dig a bit deeper, but it’s always there. It may need to be fueled with his Word and some time spent with him. But it is there for the taking.
Likewise, we do not have to fear outcomes. God is in control. That is the joy, comfort, and blessing of living our lives as followers of Jesus.
We can shine God’s light and peace out into our lives. His plan for each of us is unique, and likewise, he has unique work for each of us to do. Look at others through God’s eyes and extend his peace to them.
“Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone” Romans 12:18.
I pray that in this Christmas season; you feel his true peace within and extend it to those around you. If the stresses of the season and unrest in your personal life start to weigh heavy on you, spend just a few minutes with your Prince of Peace- with a prayer, a song, a quiet few moments of worship or by just quietly saying his name. Let the warm glow of his light, his peace, rest on you.
Peaceful blessings,
“May the Lord of Peace Himself give you peace always in every way.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16
Photo Credit: Pixabay
Loved this line: “His birth signaled the beginning of our rescue.”
I need to tap into God’s gift of peace during this busy time. Thanks, Ann!
Little did I know how much I was going to need it when I wrote it…. God’s timing and care are
so amazing to me….