My new favorite Christmas song this year is “Noel” by Chris Tomlin and sung by Lauren Daigle. It reminds me of “O Come O Come Emmanuel” which was my favorite growing up. They both have a certain haunting sound. Both songs make me think about the absolutely amazing process God used to bring about our salvation. “Come and see,” the song says….. An invitation to really look beyond the miracle of the birth of baby Jesus.
Come and See
Both songs make me think about the absolutely amazing process God used to bring about our salvation. “Come and see,” the song says….. An invitation to really look beyond the miracle of a baby in a manger.
It’s a love story. That’s the motivation behind it all. God loves us so much and wants us with Him forever. It’s a love we can’t even fathom. All He asks is that you come.
Come and see what He has done.
I wish you all a very blessed Christmas. May the incredible love that is the reason we’re celebrating Christmas infuse us with a desire to live out and share that love.
“The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel-which means, “God with us.” Matthew 1:23
Blessings for a very Merry Christmas!
Wow , powerful message , filled me with love and hope listening to this , thanks for sharing !
I’m so glad you liked it too!