The Beauty of the Earth

The celebration of Earth Day is coming soon. I have a sentimental attachment to it; having taken part in it’s inauguration (yes, I’m old-er!) I’m also an avid gardener and  an “outside girl”, and the beauty of the earth never ceases to bring me joy, amazement, and awe.

The Beauty of the Earth-entire background of pink lily's

Bible Verses about Taking Care of the Earth 

Did you know God has divinely appointed us to care for His created world?

After God made man, male and female, He blessed them and gave them the authority to rule over the earth. He gave us a job to do.

•“Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Genesis 1:26 NIV.

God has the ultimate authority over the Earth, of course, as He sculpted and lovingly cared for it. When He delegated some of his authority to His human race, He expected us to take responsibility for its environment and the creatures that live there. To “rule over” gives authority and control.

We have the ability to affect our environment, and it is part of God’s plan for us to manage and maintain it properly.

•“Then God said, I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food,”… “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:29,31. NIV.

God saw all He made as “very good.” His final analysis was that He was pleased! His carefully planned creation was perfect. We should carefully tend to it.

•“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” Psalm 24:1 NIV.

All of us have the responsibility to be caretakers of His earth. Without careful commitment, we can abuse it or fail in the work He has assigned us to do.

•Psalm 104

Psalm 104 is a psalm of praise to God the Creator. While too long to include here, I urge you to sit outside sometime with your Bible and read this as a way to praise Him for the beauty of the earth He created.

God filled our world with stunning displays of creativity, wisdom, and power. He has shown Himself as the master artist. This Psalm reveals the seasons, the animals and plants, the sun and moon, the refreshment of waters, and the diversity of all He created.

He not only creates, but maintains His creation. We are His partners in this work.

Stewards of the Earth

As Earth Day approaches, what better time is there to reflect on how we are to care for the Earth God created for us?

What is the Biblical definition of steward?

A steward as a Biblical term is one who has the task to care for and wisely manage the goods/property of another. They are not the owner but care and respect the property as they would their own. It is the steward’s job to use these resources to give glory to God and care for His creation.

When we look back in Genesis, we see God place Adam in the Garden of Eden to “work it and take care of it.” Gen 2:15 NIV.

God gave Adam stewardship over his perfect environment. It never would have included spoiling it. He had responsibilities and answered to God regarding them.

This garden tending in Eden was different than working the cursed ground from the fall. There would have been no weeds or thorns, or painful toil as described in Gen 3:17-19.

the beauty of the earth- orange butterfly sitting on flowering lilac branch

Pin me for later!

Sabbath of the Land

Even after the fall, God gave His people instructions on the proper management of His natural resources. Human responsibility to care for the Earth didn’t stop.

“For six years you are to sow your fields and harvest crops, but during the seventh year let the land lie unplowed and unused. Then the poor among your people may get food from it, and the wild animals may eat what they leave. Do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove.” Exodus 23:10-11 NIV.

God knew that even the ground needs time to rest and replenish so that it could return to producing a good crop. It was a part of caring for what He created.

God has entrusted us to care for His creation and make good use of the abundant resources He gives. He wants us to protect and care for the Earth even as we use it for our food, shelter, and many aspects of our lives.

Jeremiah 2:7

He warned Israel in the book of Jeremiah about defiling the gracious gift of His well cultivated and prosperous land. “I brought you into a fertile land to eat its fruit and rich produce. But you came and defiled my land and made my inheritance detestable.” (NIV)

They defiled it through the practice of their idolatry, but also took the blessing of this bountiful land God gave them for granted. Their land was fertile and productive, the complete opposite of their desert wanderings. Yet they did not appreciate or care for it as they should.

Wise stewards enjoy what He created and treat it with the respect it deserves. It is a beautiful offering of worship to Him.

Care for God’s Creation 

I cannot change the world, but I can change and care for my world.

I can use my garden as a pesticide free zone, conserve water and garden in a sustainable, earth friendly way.

Around the house, I can recycle, reuse, donate, turn off lights, and even purchase less.

We can all educate ourselves on clean and non-toxic environmental practices. We can learn how to make our own green cleaning products (so easy!) The frugal and eco-friendly side of me has already put some of these into action.

I can support ministries that take their stewardship of the earth seriously. For example, I was excited to find that World Vision has been asking themselves how they can take the world’s stewardship seriously. They have a policy in place to care for the earth in ways that restore and protect the environments they serve.

If we all changed our own worlds in as many ways as possible, it would make a difference. And God calls us to do so.

Christianity and Environmental Stewardship

You would think that of all people, Christians would be the most concerned about our physical world. We acknowledge God alone created it with a purpose and as a grand gift to His people to live and thrive.

Yes, the fall precipitated the deteriorating conditions on the earth. The selfishness and greed of some  have taken precedence over caring for the environment. Pollution of the air, land, and water are worsening threats. All those things don’t absolve us of our personal responsibility as Christians to be good stewards.

There is nothing about caring for the environment that interferes with our faith. In fact, our care for the environment allows us to share that our love for God, the master creator, is what fuels our concern.

All Creation Declares the Glory of God

Nobody says it better than God Himself.

He has an absolutely amazing conversation with Job to answer his questions about his suffering. God uses 4 chapters (38-41) to show Job His power in creation and nature when He put the universe in place. He clearly establishes the magnificence of how He laid the foundations of the earth and made all of creation from clouds and stars to the animal kingdom and beyond. It is all under His control.

After God finished, Job humbly replies, “My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.” Job 42:5 NIV.

God gave Job not only a powerful lecture on His power and glory, but opened his eyes to see the majesty manifested in His creative power. Job ceased to question God and had a spiritual understanding of God’s plan for his life.

I know I sound like a broken record, but again, I highly recommend reading these chapters of Job. It’s a book we don’t turn to often, and these words from God are awe-inspiring! (I had no idea how many Bible verses extolled the creative glory of our God!)

New Heaven and New Earth

God did not plan for our planet to last forever. He did, though, promise a new heaven and a new earth in Isaiah 65:17:

“See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.” NIV

In the meantime, and especially this week as we celebrate Earth Day, let’s recommit to doing everything we can to be caretakers of this home God created and entrusted to us. Thank Him for the natural wonders we see each day. Take a fresh look at the intricacies of His created works and give Him thanks and praise! Then put good stewardship practices into use.



Still need convincing that one person CAN make a difference in this world? Check our this post- Can One Person Make a Difference?

If you’d like a wonderful resource into all things gardening and see how they care for their piece of heaven on earth, check out this post by Rosevine Cottage Girls: How to Start a Garden.  You will also find devotionals and much more from these creative ladies!

I couldn’t leave without sharing this rendition of the beautiful hymn- For the Beauty of the Earth. It came to mind many times as I was writing this! It was hard to find one with the lyrics and they add so much! When the screen fills in with all the voices, it is magical!

Photo Credits: AnnMarie Anderson, Canva

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